Sparkly bottletree on Nash Street

Thank you to a reader who sent in this photo and story!

“I live on N. Nash Street in Hillsborough, NC. I spotted a bottle tree for the first time years ago on Old Hwy 86 just south of Hillsborough. I thought it was beautiful and have since wanted a tree in my yard.

Hillsborough experienced a drought a few years back which killed this cedar tree that my father Haywood Pherribo planted back in the early 90’s. I cleaned the dried needles from the tree and began collecting wine and beer bottles from friends, family, recycle bins, etc.

When I thought I had enough to make the tree full I decorated it and I really enjoy my tree! The bottles burst with brilliant colors at sunrise and sunset.” — A. Pherribo

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Margaret said,

    This bottle tree on Nash Street is my favorite one in town — so abundant!!

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